Doc Carson - Author, Philosopher, Life Coach To Happiness.

High Way Publishing

High Way Publishing - Doc Carson - Author, Philosopher, Life Coach To Happiness.
High Way Publishing - Doc Carson - Author, Philosopher, Life Coach To Happiness.

On The Cutting Edge

Memoirs of a Lawn Mower

On the Cutting Edge


Doc Carson shares his stories and insights from experience gained during 30 years of operating Doc's Mowing Service in and around Lawrence, Kansas.

I've found that even a bad theory is better than none at all.  With a bad theory you can see what doesn't work and improve on it.  With no theory, there's no feedback, no benchmark for progress.

Doc Carson


Cutting Edge Memoirs of a Lawn MowerCutting Edge Memoirs of a Lawn Mower


Cutting Edge Memoirs of a Lawn MowerCutting Edge Memoirs of a Lawn Mower


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